Like most traditions, there are many wedding traditions that stem from symbolic acts or superstitions. Some, such as carrying a bouquet of flowers, are believed to ward off evil and bring good luck, love, and prosperity to the newlyweds. The wedding flowers you choose for your big day are also rich in symbolism and superstitions that have evolved from ancient times to the modern day, resulting in the trendy wedding floral designs we see and admire today. Here at Flora D’ Amore, we are diving into seven lucky superstitions around popular wedding blooms that are said to lead you down a path to a successful future with your love.
7 Lucky Wedding Flower Superstitions
Carry Roses to Enhance Love

Ivy for Never-Ending Love
The superstition around carrying ivy in bridal bouquets also originated in Greece. In addition to warding off witches, ivy was thought to conceal drunkenness. This would ensure that the bride, while indulging in libations, would uphold a poise and elegant demeanor during the wedding celebrations. Ivy was also popular to include in wedding florals as a symbol of the never-ending love the bride and groom shared.

Include Ringing Bells as a Reminder of Your Vows
The ringing of church bells can often be heard from miles away during important events or special holidays. In Ireland, wedding bells are a way to rid the couple of evil spirits and ensure a harmonious life as newlyweds. Ringing bells are also a popular wedding gift and are included in the bouquets of Irish brides. It is also said that whenever the bells ring, the bride and groom are reminded of the sacred vows they shared at the altar.

Peonies for a Prosperous Future

Herbs to Ward Off Evil
Before bridal bouquets evolved into a stunning collection of unique shapes and colors to create an alluring look and feel for weddings, they started as a fragrant collection of herbs and garlic. The origin of carrying a bouquet can be traced back to the ancient Romans and was a way of keeping away evil spirits that wreak havoc and chaos or curse the bride and groom. Some of the herbs and spices included in these bouquets also had a symbolic connection to faithfulness and fertility.

Lilies to Attract Positive Spirits

Bouquet Tosses for Good Luck
A fun wedding tradition that has transformed over time is the bouquet toss. Today, a bouquet toss is an amusing way to predict which single woman might be next to get married. When the bouquet toss first began in the Victorian Ages, however, it was a way to bring safety and good luck to whoever caught the flying flowers. Whether you love or dislike the joyful tradition, it may just be your ticket to a lucky future.
Learning about superstitions is an interesting way to pinpoint the origins of some of your favorite wedding traditions and symbolic flowers. Regardless of your superstitious beliefs, let the wedding experts here at Flora D’ Amore work with you to create a breathtaking event with symbolic flowers to celebrate your love or special event.