I love the classic look of this Navy and white wedding. Lord Hill Farm’s lush green setting was the perfect place for this palate. Thanks to Dana Pleasant Photography for the images!

I love the classic look of this Navy and white wedding. Lord Hill Farm’s lush green setting was the perfect place for this palate. Thanks to Dana Pleasant Photography for the images!
I just loved all the beauty and unique details in these photos. The lavender sari’s are just stunning! I had so much fun making these flowers for their Indian wedding! Thanks to Urban Rose Photography for all the amazing shots!
Just finished the construction of this asymmetrical blush bridal bouquet. I love all the shades and what the different shape does for the depth of the bouquet!
Coral garden rose, amaryllis, rose and spray rose Bridal bouquet One of my favorite Bridal bouquets for the Seattle Wedding Show Fashion Show!
Thanks to Tania at Azzura Photography for the photos!
Thanks to Kate at Kaymore Photography for taking the photos and putting together an amazing shoot!
Special Thanks to lovesongphoto.com for the amazing pictures! For more photos of this beautiful day check out their blog!
We understand that weddings are very unique and personal. At Flora D’ Amore by Stadium Flowers, we only offer experienced wedding consultants to help suggest flowers and decorations for your special day. We feel that your decorations should reflect your personal taste and style. We are happy to advise or suggest, but will never insist. […]